Generally, if you choose a payment method that supports instant delivery, such as credit card or PayPal, you will receive an email with product information and license code (registration code or license key) within a few minutes after the order is completed.
If you pay by bank transfer, check or PayPal electronic check, 2Checkout (now Verifone) will arrange delivery of the product for you after payment is confirmed (usually takes 2 to 3 business days).
You can check your license code in 3 ways as follows:
Notes: Please remember to back up your license code after you received it for further use.
Way 1: When the order is completed, you can check your license code directly, which will displayed on the "Order Complete" page.
Way 2: When you completed the order, you can go to the payment platform 2Checkout (now Verifone) to log into your account and search for your order, which contains your license code as below.
Way 3: Once your order is fulfilled, you will be sent an email containing the license code from Coolmuster's payment platform <> immediately or within minutes. Please be noted that the subject of email is like "Your order on Product and payment information".
You can check the email later in the email address you've provided when placing the order. If you can't find it, please ensure the email address you offered is valid and check your junk/spam box as well.
You can find your license code under the "Product / Subscription Information".
Related FAQs:
What to Do If I Didn't Receive the License Code After Purchase?
What to do if the received license code is invalid?
I lost my license code, can you send it again?
How to register my software after I have received the license code?